DataLand : DDT Sky Tower For Sale
Unit Type For Sale Price Area(sq.m.) Notes
Mid Zone ₱ 22,269,000 - 125,191,000 92.91 sqm - 490.25 sqm
High Zone ₱ 17,288,000 - 95,178,000 69.53 sqm - 372.72 sqm
Payment Options
Payment Scheme Term Notes
Spot Cash
Reservation: Php 150,000
Downpayment: 95% within 30-90 days
Balance: 5% Upon Turn-over
Deferred Cash
Reservation: Php 150,000
Interest: 0%
Downpayment: 10%-30% within 30 days
Balance: 70%-90% payable up to 24-48 monthly installments
Bank Financing
Reservation: Php 150,000
Interest: Depending on prevailing bank rates
Downpayment: 20%-30% payable up to 24-48 monthly installments
Balance: 70%-80% thru bank financing
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